My name is Namulondo Cissy, I started chance ministry in 2015 with 3 children, right now we have 22 children under our care.

Starting to understand the world I was only with my mother, I didn’t know my father, living with my mother who was a drunkard and life was so hard but life became more harder when my mother died with out showing me any family member, I had to start life on my own, at the age of 7 I started sleeping on the streets, I started begging, slept in empty boxes, used to walk bare footed looking for food, that time I thought God doesn’t love me because I knew if he did he wouldn’t have let me go through all that.

Until I meet uncle Denis who saw the kind of situation I was living in, I knew how hard it was for a girl my age to live on streets, it was very risky for me , Uncle Denis and his wife welcomed me in their home clothed me, fed me and also educated me with the little they had, through Uncle Denis , the stranger I didn’t know I realized God loves me, I was given a chance, now through Chance Ministry I am giving another child a chance to be happy and to know that God loves them.

Through Chance Ministry we provide a Christ like love to the less fortunate and children deprived of parental love

We are envisioned to be a society were orphans in Uganda get a chance to be happy and to know Christ through our care and Love

1 John 4:7
Beloved let us love one another

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Your promise means the world to children in need. Your monthly partnership means stability, security, and peace for children who have never known any of these things.

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