What we do

Chance Ministry hopes to share the love of God in a practical way with those who need it most.

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Our children rely on your monthly support to get basic needs and attend school.


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Chance Ministry is a Christian based charity set up for the benefit of less privileged children in Uganda. Chance Ministry hopes to share the love of God in a practical way with those who need it most.

We invest in orphans to help them break the chains of poverty

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What we do

If our goal truly is to see orphans thrive, all the food and education in the world will still leave them wanting. The only way for these children to thrive is to introduce them to Jesus. We love them because He first loved us.

Our Vision

Chance Ministry seeks to meet the emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual needs of orphaned and at-risk children in Uganda with the Love of God.

Feed the orphans

When coupled with quality educational opportunities, proper nutrition is one of the most reliable factors which determine a child’s ability to succeed.

Partner With Us

Your promise means the world to children in need. Your monthly partnership means stability, security, and peace for children who have never known any of these things.

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